Weekly Ramblings – Simon Pegg swings anatomical LEGO heart logos

Another week gone by, another Weekly Ramblings to enjoy!

Like last week, first up we have some LEGO! The Art of the Brick, by Nathan Sawaya, are fantastic pieces of art made out of LEGO (Enpundit). These sculptures are life size and awesome (as well as ever so slightly morbid!).

Keeping with an arty theme, we have anatomically accurate medical models made out of glass (Wired). These are stunning, and despite the $25,000 price tag, I want a full set!

Sticking with anatomy, we have some great and varied images of the heart. “The British Heart Foundation invited scientists from the more than 1200 projects that it funds to submit the best images they have produced in the course of their work” (The Guardian). Which is your favourite image of the heart?

Doing exercise is important to keep a healthy heart, and what better way than to swing on a swing. However, I’m sure very few people have swung on a waterfall swing! What is that, I hear you cry? Take a look, and be amazed: 

Next up, we have some brilliant and clever logos with hidden symbolism (Twisted Sifter). I love things like this, and they really make you appreciate certain logos a lot more. Which is your favourite, and do you have any more examples?

Finally, we have an A-Z of one of my favourite actors, Simon Pegg

Hope you all had a wonderful week. Onwards!

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3 Responses to Weekly Ramblings – Simon Pegg swings anatomical LEGO heart logos

  1. Pingback: Weekly Ramblings – Sandy Hobbiton Invented Negative Curiosity | Richer Ramblings

  2. Pingback: Long Exposure Neon Waterfalls | Richer Ramblings

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