Bilbo’s Contract In The Hobbit

bilbo-contractNow that the great film The Hobbit has been released, I’m sure many of you are wondering just what was written in that lengthy contract given to Bilbo. Perhaps you weren’t wondering at all, but are now?

Well, wonder no more!

Over at WiredJames Daily has gone into great critical detail about what is good, bad, correct, and wrong in Bilbo’s contract, and it’s a fantastic read. Ranging from Bilbo’s obligations to the dwarves, to “unlooked for” misfortune, to payment, to ownership, it’s a pretty solid document. You can even own it if you want!

Now, where did I place that ring… Onwards!

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1 Response to Bilbo’s Contract In The Hobbit

  1. Pingback: The Hobbit – The Desolation Of Smaug | Richer Ramblings

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